We are in the development stages of bringing two new sausages to our product range: -
* Gluten Free Sausage –
Our Managing Director loves the taste of McWhinney Sausage’s but when he was diagnosed as celiac, unfortunately he was no longer allowed them due to dietary restrictions. When he came into the office the smell of cooking sausages would drive him crazy – it was then he realised he wasn’t the only one missing out on our delicious sausages - and that is when the McWhinneys Gluten Free Sausage was born.
* Chilli & Leek Sausage –
McWhinneys Sausage’s take pride
in producing quality Irish pork sausages with the same care and tradition first
adopted in 1898. As it is now 2019, we
thought we should give our Premium Sausage a bit of a modern twist ( ** drum rolls
introducing the all new Chilli & Leek Premium Sausage. This
wonderful spicy little number is packed with heat, will you be able to handle